Car horoscope for the week of September 11 to 17


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  1. Auto horoscope from 11 to 17 September
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Crayfish
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

The air smells of exhaust gases, yellow and green leaves occasionally fall from the trees, and the traffic cops calmly whistle and pretend not to notice the reckless drivers. But let's not relax, because the week will start with two wonderful holidays. The day of sobriety and the day of the faceted glass should be celebrated as it should be. First, drink for the second holiday, and only then for the first. So, chauffeur, hold on - the stars say, because the patrol guys on these wonderful September days are fined for any offense. You have to somehow earn some money for a solemn event, which, most likely, will be arranged right on the track.

Auto horoscope from 11 to 17 September


Aries, a record number of traffic jams have been seen on the roads this autumn week - the stars apologize in advance and advise to stock up on valerian. Don't worry about the car - your iron horse loves traffic jams, because you can stand, admire the bumpers and trunks of neighboring cars, and if you're lucky, make a pleasant and useful acquaintance with a police officer UAZ. The main thing - do not be surprised at anything, and if you notice dressed up traffic cops in the bushes singing songs about the Motherland and the Moments in chorus, applaud - the patrol celebrates Kobzon's birthday. The singer has an anniversary in September, besides, your car is a fan of the work of Joseph Davydovich.


Taurus, the stars this autumn week are in solidarity with the forecasters - the weather will not be the most chic. But do not worry, but rather go to the car store for fog lights - both you are comfortable, and the typewriter is pleased. At the same time, you will change the covers - on gloomy September evenings it is so nice to sit on a seat in a bright color. And do not forget to buy a large thermos - on Tuesday people celebrate the day of Alexander Sytnik, on which it is customary to set rich tables. You can treat someone in a traffic jam, for example, traffic cops are very fond of porridge with milk. If you don’t believe, offer the patrol guys semolina - they’ll come flying in such a way that you won’t tear them off by the ears.


Gemini, the track conditions are not bad these September days, but there are a lot of newcomers. Do not gloat looking at the unlucky road trainees lagging behind, but stop and give a couple of driving lessons (suddenly you will bring up new Schumachers). The gearbox is not naughty this week, and this is understandable - your machine itself monitors the internal order. Traffic cops look like they just got out of hairdressing salons, they don't even want to wear their caps and shine with a fresh bald head - the patrol guys celebrate hairdresser's day and take fines with exclusively new hairstyles (what's the difference what to cut: coupons or hair).


Cancers, the character of an iron horse in these autumn days will be boring - and the weather is not the same, and the traffic jams are not the same, and even critical remarks sound in your address every now and then. In general, bear with it or go straight to the dacha - well, and what, there is almost no work left, and the machine will happily stand in nature and breathe the September air with you. By the way, on the roads this week it is advisable not to freak out, otherwise you will receive a Shnobel Prize for some ridiculous act. Yes, yes, the stars did not make a reservation, and this award goes to those who are famous for their ridiculous and senseless achievements. And some mayors dream of getting to the ceremony - either cry or laugh after their work.

A lion

Lions, in vain you scold the authorities for bad roads - this is a well-thought-out policy or sophisticated torture, in general, call it what you want. Your car hums with displeasure, jumping on the next bump, and squeals nervously, falling into a nondescript-looking puddle - try to calm the iron horse and promise to buy a new portion of gasoline with an additive. If you see traffic cops on the roadside who are mournfully bent over fresh little hills, do not be alarmed. The patrol celebrates Semin day, on which it is customary to bury flies and cockroaches. You can play a sad melody on the horn, but it is not necessary to arrange a fireworks - suddenly the insects wake up and climb into the salon for permanent residence.


Virgos, the engine rumbles merrily, the wheels spin happily - oh, and a busy week awaits your car, you just swing. But you hold on tightly in the saddle, the iron horse confidently gallops along the precisely chosen route, but the traffic cops sway in these September days (probably from fatigue). With the patrol creatures, everything is clear, because there is a lot of work - Dmitry Medvedev has a birthday, and cars with flashing lights are almost never translated. Someone on their own notes, and some are trying to break through to the celebration. It is a pity that you were not invited, but on the other hand, what to do there - neither a drink nor a snack, because no one will offer a personal chauffeur.


Libra, get behind the wheel, check the wipers and step on the gas - there are many roads expected this fall week, and everyone, as they say, is fun. But hide a smile just in case - do not irritate the traffic cops, they are already having a hard time, the poor things are standing in the heat and in the rain, and you can't get away from such work. Also, the guys from the traffic police do not like the driver, but the question is, why hate them? Not everyone will agree to wave wands and collect fines. If you have to drive at night, stop at a lamp and honk. There will be no questions for you, because everyone knows about the birthday of the inventor Pavel Yablochkov, thanks to whom we have street lighting (it's a pity that not everywhere).


Scorpios, it is pointless to talk about Russian troubles - the stars accidentally rhymed this phrase, but the meaning does not change, and the road situation during these days of September will not change either. But the tracks are still being repaired, and in some places even speed bumps have risen - they probably want to look at the work of public utilities, so take care of the belly of your iron horse and have time to press the brake pedal. When you go on business, be careful - this fall week, black cats are hanging around everywhere. Do not cross yourself and do not signal, because they wander for a reason. Animals celebrate the birthday of Mikhail Tanich, who composed a song about a black cat.


Sagittarius, you always thought that you yourself chose the car, but the stars are in a hurry to report: everything was the other way around - it was an iron horse that found its owner, it was also paid extra. In September, you will be convinced of this - the machine behaves as if you are subordinate to it. Now he sneezes and requires care, then he grumbles, not paying attention to the fact that you urgently need to get to the service. In general, hold on and be nicer with your harmful, but wonderful car. And on Friday, appease the car and lock it in the garage - people celebrate the Day of Mammoth, on which it is not recommended to drive domestic animals out into the street. Your car has been a member of the family for a long time, hasn't it? (Or even its head.)


Capricorns, you can easily maneuver in the stream of other cars and merrily rush along the smooth asphalt to cheerful music. Wake up, you dozed off again in a traffic jam, and the cars behind you loudly and indignantly sound like alarm clocks. By the way, at the end of this September week, your iron horse can safely stay at home, or rather, in a warm garage. After all, everyone celebrates the day of Cross and rushes along the roads like crazy.Join, you can even take away the license plates from the car, suddenly win, and you will be presented with a new steering wheel or beautiful fashionable wipers. Ideally, ask for a can of gasoline instead of a prize - and save money and make a gift for a wheelbarrow.


Aquarians, it's time to buy a minibus - everyone you know wants to ride with you this week in September. A friend needed to visit a thousand kilometers away, the boss was impatient to the mother-in-law for the anniversary, and the children need to go to the next matinee - in general, drive wherever they tell you. Still, someone asked the machine what exactly she wants. And the iron horse whinnies plaintively, because autumn is outside, and the car has seasonal depression. Make the car happy and hang old shoes around the garage - at the same time celebrate the folk holiday called Domna Dobrorodnaya. True, it is recommended to hang out torn bast shoes - they say they protect from the evil eye (not a single traffic cop will look at you).


Pisces, someone takes unrealistic loans to boast of driving a new fancy car, some make friends with the traffic cops, and you are not bad at walking, and in your favorite car it is comfortable. And let the iron horse grunt and whimper from time to time - the main thing is mutual understanding, and this cannot be taken away from you. On these September days, a four-wheeled girlfriend generally reads your thoughts, but, of course, you don't need to let go of the steering wheel. By the way, the stars have come up with entertainment for you for the weekend - ask the car to take you out of town, however, there are a lot of gamekeepers who celebrate the day of forest workers. But the foresters are funny guys, maybe you will find a common language, and in the winter you will come for a free Christmas tree.

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