How to prepare a car for the summer season


We will tell you about the main points that are worth paying attention to, both for a beginner and an experienced driver. Consider both common and rare situations.

The arrival of spring is a long-awaited and joyful event for most car enthusiasts. I think that even the most stupid one will understand why this is so, because the winter season is associated with numerous snowfalls, severe frosts, temperature changes and ice, which does not have a very good effect on the further operation of the car. Let's consider what exactly needs to be done after the winter season in order for the car to drive "perfectly" during the summer period and without any drawbacks there.

Replacing rubber

The first thing to look out for is the rubber. If spring has already come, and your car is still “shod” in winter tires, then it is worth changing the shoes. Although, not everyone adheres to this rule.

There is also such a type of rubber as universal, which, according to many motorists, can be used all year round. Some car enthusiasts generally like to save on rubber and "jump" the summer period on already worn-out winter tires. Although this trick is unacceptable for a car, since summer tires are intended for the summer period, and winter tires are for winter ones.

All three of the aforementioned types of tires are able to adapt to different road conditions. For example, when there is terrible icy ice on the roads in winter, then special studded winter tires save you in order to reduce the number of unwanted sliding and loss of vehicle control. And already the summer look of rubber is suitable for hot roads from the heat.

There is one more important point. It is worth changing the rubber for summer tires even before the high above-zero temperature, because as a result of ignoring the change of "shoes", you can not cope with the control of the car.

Visit to a car wash

After a long and frosty winter, the car needs a special process wash using a high pressure device. While the car will "take a shower", then you need to pay attention to the body and the bottom of the car. When these actions are ignored, then various dirt, reagents and salt that have accumulated in scratches will destroy the metal of the car in the near future. And this can favorably affect the appearance and spread of metal corrosion.

Car wash is necessary both outside and inside. All internal parts in the cabin must be thoroughly washed and wiped, and then the entire car must be thoroughly dried.

Scheduled inspection

It is necessary to inspect and check the operability of all the main systems of the vehicle. It is necessary to carry out a technical inspection even when the deadlines for a scheduled inspection of the "iron horse" are not yet pressed.

Such a check can be performed in one or another car service. You can check some details and systems yourself. But! This is only if the driver of the car is well acquainted with the structure of the car.

The operation of the electric fans and the cooling system need special verification. In addition, radiators can be flushed at home in order to protect the car engine from overheating.

Suspension check

The first step is to pay attention to the technical condition of the assemblies, steering tips, ball joints, shock absorbers and silent blocks of the car. In the event that such rubber parts as oil seals and anthers are cracked, then they must be replaced without fail. But the rest of the labile joints in the car must be lubricated for prevention.

Wheel angle adjustment

In case the car began to throw from side to side, or even gaps began to appear when driving, then you need to adjust the angles of the wheels or otherwise toe-out. There can be a lot of reasons for such driving. But the root cause of such a malfunction may be uneven wear of tires.

Change of oil

According to many motorists, the oil needs to be changed depending on the mileage of the car, and not on the season. But nevertheless, it is worth revising the oil level, thus, at the same time, you will understand how much the car's engine consumes oil. It is strictly forbidden to mix different types of oil, synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral. If the oil is very thick, but the moment of replacement in terms of mileage has not yet approached, then you should think about a car engine breakdown.

Car battery

The car battery was heavily stressed during the winter. It is because of this that it can lose its capacity closer to the summer period. This type of device must be charged from a special charger and monitor the density of the electrolyte in the batteries. Such manipulation will extend the service life and help all motorists to avoid various kinds of troubles on the way.

During the period of winter frosts, the terminals could oxidize. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the battery for corrosion as closely as possible. But for better battery performance, it is recommended to clean the terminal contacts on the battery.

Cleaning the car air conditioner

Once again, it's worth reminding yourself that health is the most important thing. The same applies to the air conditioning of the vehicle interior. In the car, you need to replace the cabin filter and perform external cleaning of the air conditioner, especially if it is an old car, since harmful microbes and bacteria usually accumulate in the listed elements. Such various microbes and bacteria can provoke at least a cough, and at most other serious illnesses. The radiator of the air conditioner, under the hood, should be thoroughly washed with water and soapy foam or with special means to avoid overheating of the air conditioner compressor.

Trunk cleaning

I think accessories such as antifreeze, a brush with a scraper, a shovel, a defroster for a locking system, an electric cape, rubber carpets (for towing during icy conditions) should finally be pulled out of the trunk of a car until the next frosty and icy season.

After cleaning all the above items, you can fill the trunk with various accessories for the summer season. For example, sunglasses, a new first aid kit, a new fire extinguisher, wet wipes.

In case the drivers adhere to these simple rules, then they do not experience any problems and difficulties when driving a car. Moreover, constant inspection in the off-season will help preserve the health of both the driver and his passengers.
