TOP-5 most expensive customs cleared eurobills in Ukraine


It's not a secret for anyone, especially for motorists, that February 22, 2019 is the last day when it is still possible to clear a car at foreign registration at a 50% discount on excise duty, the so-called grace period. Despite the fact that many talk about exorbitant fees and amounts, and customs officers are busy and eagerly await the end of the grace period, the State Fiscal Service has identified the five most expensive cars that have come under the law on customs clearance. At the same time, the price is by no means tens of thousands of hryvnias, but much more.

First place went to a very rare 2013 Porsche 911 Turbo S. As experts clarify, its customs value was $83100, the customs clearance of such a "euro plate" turned out to be just space - 766 100 UAH, to which the future owner agreed without any complaints. The second place was taken by another Porsche Cayenne S 2018, it was rated in $76000, but I had to pay for registration in Ukrainian 705,000 hryvnia, which is just as inspiring.

The third place in the TOP-5 rating was taken by the 2014 Bentley Flyuing Spur, its customs value was slightly less than the previous car, and the owner paid for the customs clearance itself 727 900 hryvnia, and the rating of such a machine was $74500... The fourth place in the ranking was taken by the German Gelik - 2015 Mercedes-Benz G-Class. Experts rated it as $63600, for which the owner had to pay in total 593400 hryvnia for all documents and customs clearance taxes. Completing the rating is another Mercedes - the 2018 V-Class. The customs value of such a minivan $62000, and customs clearance cost 553,000 hryvnia... If we take the total amount paid to the State Treasury for these cars, then it is UAH 3,345,400 (about $ 123,450)According to the available information from the State Fiscal Service, 195,200 vehicles were cleared through customs from November 25, 2018 to February 19, 2019. For the registration of the car in the Ukrainian register, the future owners paid 12 billion hryvnia to the treasury. About 124,000 cars from this list fell under preferential customs clearance conditions, 7.6 billion hryvnias were paid for them, which will be sent to the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Most of the cars (106,700 cars) were in violation of the period of stay on the territory of Ukraine, for which their owners paid a fine of 8,500 hryvnia (a total of 907 million hryvnia). Thanks to such a fine, the owners of Euroblocks managed to avoid violating the transit and import times of cars.

It is worth recalling that the grace period for customs clearance of cars with foreign registration in Ukraine lasts until February 22, 2019, inclusively until 24 hours 00 minutes. All declarations submitted by car owners before the specified time will be processed at a reduced rate. In the future, if you want to put the car on Ukrainian registration, the future owner will need to pay the full cost of all taxes and customs duties. The process of registering Eurobills on Ukrainian registration will last until May 23 inclusive. After that date, drivers will be fined, up to the confiscation of the vehicle and payment of a fine in the amount of 170 thousand hryvnia.
